long floral print kimono outfit
Fashion, Outfits, Sustainable / Ethical Fashion

Long Floral Print Kimono Style Robe Outfit

Today’s look is a long floral print kimono  style robe outfit.

Hi, I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine was very relaxed as we are still in a partial lockdown here in the UK so haven’t been going out much only to take my daily exercise or to visit my allotment.

I’m collaborating today with a small independent brand called From My Mother’s Garden who kindly sent me the hydrangea print robe to review.

Long Floral Print Kimono Style Robe Outfit

I love to layer a kimono Style Robe over my spring and summer looks, as a light jacket when it’s too hot to wear a coat. I layered the From My Mother’s Garden hydrangea long robe over a black tee, black cropped trousers and some white trainers for a casual look. I think it would also work with skinny jeans and sandals.

The From My Mother’s Garden collection features a small range of shorter length kimono style jacket and the long kimono inspired robe along with a select few other products. The beautiful and unique floral prints, are some photographs of the brand owner Penny’s own mother’s garden. There are some really beautiful and unique prints including the hydrangea version which I’m wearing here.

I hope you like the look and as always let me know your comments in the comments section below.

from my mothers garden long kimono review


long floral print robe outfit

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long kimono outfit ideas


kimono outfit with trainers

colourful kimono outfit

hydrangea print kimono

long floral print kimono outfit

Outfit Details

From My Mother’s Garden Hydrangea Long Robe – (c/o gifted) available to buy from Colmers Hill Boutique using code jacquardflower10 for discount across the From My Mother’s Garden collection.

Cologne Trainers – c/o Lotus shoes

Cropped Trousers – H&M

Tee – Sezane

Bag – Dragon Diffusion

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