Fashion, Lifestyle

Chanel Sunglasses Real vs Fake

Hi. In this post I will providing some information on how to spot a fake pair of Chanel Sunglasses. The pictures show real authentic Chanel Sunglasses compared to a fake pair. It also includes packaging comparisons.

Chanel Sunglasses Real vs Fake

I was unlucky enough recently to have been scammed when purchasing a pair of sunglasses on ebay. I do not usually buy sunglasses from eBay as I know there are some fakes on there, but these were a good price and in used condition, so looking at the pics on the listing, I thought that these would be a fairly OK risk. I have a few pairs of Chanel glasses now and have previously purchased from retailers including Harrods, Fenwicks and Selfridges so I know 100% that all the other sunglasses I own are authentic. There is also the option of buying from a store called Vestiaire Collective they specialise in selling authenticated designer clothing so you have the guarantee and peace of mind that they have been checked over by experts before they are delivered to you.

When the ebay sunglasses showed up I opened the package and knew immediately that they were fake. I have used authenticate 4u before in the past on a couple of handbags that I have purchased pre-loved and they have always provided a great service but for these I didn’t need there expert opinion as I could easily see for myself.

Ebay does not permit fake and counterfeit goods to be sold on there site, they constantly crawl the listings removing any that they are in any doubt about but this seller had provided different pics to the actual item sent and I’m sure that the pics on the listing were of authentic sunglasses.

I quickly contacted the seller who’s response was “it was not mentioned in the original glasses . Do not wish for such original price.” hmmm! So I opened a dispute with ebay and got my money refunded.

I wanted to share my experience with you as I am hoping this will post awareness that there are still fakes around and you always have to be so careful when buying online. The good thing about ebay is that they do now have the money back guarantee so if you do get caught out you will eventually get your money back.

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Chanel Sunglasses Real vs Fake Pictures

Please see below for my comparison pictures. The real ones are always pictured top and although the two pairs of sunglasses you see are different styles you can clearly see the differences in quality and tell which ones are authentic. What do you think?

FullSizeRender (2)Picture above shows all packaging and both pairs of sunglasses. (top are authentic)

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Real Chanel sunglasses have the Chanel name etched into both lenses, it’s subtle and can only be see when close up and in bright light.


The fake glasses have a very harsh stamp that is bigger than the authentic ones and bolder. Can be seen all the time.

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Top box is authentic, bottom is fake. The difference when looking close up is the print and texture of the box on the fake is very different to the authentic, also see below for the bottom section of the box. Very different patina.

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Here below you see the authentic case on top and the fake below the CC logo is really also thinner on the fake and so is the quality of stitching.FullSizeRender (6)

Below you can see the two glasses. See how bold the etched logo is on the lenses of the fakes.

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Real Chanel sunglasses also have a serial number on one of the lenses that can be seen in full from the back and slightly from the front when in strong lighting.FullSizeRender (10)

See the authentic Vs fake. The real ones have the serial number the fakes do not.FullSizeRender (11)

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Finally the print inside the arms is obviously fake. It’s rubbing off and Chanel put the logo on the other arm along with the model number.FullSizeRender (14)

FullSizeRender (15)Thanks for reading, I would love to hear your comments. Have you had any bad experiences buying online? Let me know in the comments section below.

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